
 センター長 下野裕之

 農学はオモシロイ! 私たちの生活のあらゆるところに農学があります.毎日のおいしい食事のみならず、住宅、衣類、はたまた自然環境としての山や海、空気まで、私たちの生活を支えるインフラに農学が強く関わっています。人新世の今を生きる私たちには、持続可能な社会実現に向けて解決すべき課題が山積しています。農学は分野横断的にそれら課題にコミットする学問分野です。

 次世代アグリイノベーション研究センターは、農学に関する研究・教育により、未来の社会をより豊かに持続可能な形とすべく活動します。そのため、(1) 生物生産部門、(2) 食と生活部門、(3) 生態環境部門の3部門、さらに、画像解析や深層学習などを専門とするデータサイエンスグループで協同し、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の実現に貢献できる技術開発や温室効果ガス排出削減や生物多様性の維持を目指します。




 Message from the Center director

SHIMONO Hiroyuki

 Agricultural science is Exciting! Agricultural science is everywhere in our lives. Agricultural science is strongly involved in the infrastructure that supports our lives, not only for delicious daily meals, but also for housing, clothing, and the natural environment of mountains, sea, and air. As we live in the present of anthropocene, we have a lot of problems to be solved for the realization of a sustainable society. Agricultural science is a discipline that commits to these issues across disciplines.

 Agri-Innovation Center, Iwate University (AIC) will work to make the future society wealthy and more sustainable through research and education related to agriculture. We will carry out in collaboration with (1) biological production department, (2) food and living department, (3) ecological environment department, and data science group specializing in image analysis and deep learning. We aim to develop technologies that can contribute to the realization of the goals (SDGs), reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and maintain biodiversity.

 The AIC is an organization that focuses on research activities, but in order to promote education and regional development, we are proactive in such activities as “student projects” and “seminars for general and high school students” centered on young people who will lead the future. We also send out various information.

 We aim to become the core of “Iwate University” toward the realization of SDGs and become a world-leading research organization.