次世代アグリイノベーション研究センター(AIC) 研究概要紹介/Introduction of Resarch Outline

亜熱帯原産のイネが雪の下で春を待つ!? 新技術「イネの初冬直播き栽培」 : 下野裕之


New technology: Winter Direct-Seeding System (WDSS) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in cool climates in Japan : SHIMONO Hiroyuki

 To improve income of rice farmers in Japan, it is requested to reduce the cost for rice production with increase farm acreage. However, in the northern part of “Hokkaido”, “Tohoku” and “Hokuriku” regions of major rice producing areas in Japan, there is very narrow window for rice production because of limited capable growing season constraints of low temperature. It is required a challenging technology, “Out of the box” thinking.
We invented new method called “Winter Direct-Seeding System” of rice in cool climates (WDSS), that can extend the planting period without any additional inputs of machinery and operators, which result in huge cost. The WDSS system is characterized by seeding in winter and the seeds were kept under snow covered as a kind of “Natural Refrigerator”, taking advantage of direct seeding system. The system will give opportunities to farmers for increasing the farm acreage without additional costs.


高電圧・プラズマの農業・食品安全性への高度活用 : 高木浩一


High-voltage and plasma applications for agriculture and food safety : TAKAKI Koichi

 High-voltage and plasma are useful and novel tools for agriculture and food processing. The pulsed repetitive discharge can be used for promoting growth of the vegetables and fruits (Fig. 1). The yielding rate of Shiitake mushroom (L. edodes) can be improved with the high-voltage stimulation in fruit-body formation phase (Fig. 2). In postharvest phase, the electrostatic effects can contribute to remove airborne bacteria and fungi spore from the storage house and container. This removal contributes to reduce the infection risk with fungi and bacteria. Some kinds of fruit and vegetable emit the ethylene gas which accelerate a degradation of other kind fruits and vegetables. The plasma can contribute the ethylene removal via oxidization reaction. The high-voltage and plasma applications in agriculture and food processing are promising candidates to contribute for designing sustainable agriculture food supply chain.

マイクロ波を用いた有害鳥獣等のセンシング : 本間尚樹


Microwave sensing for harmful animals and birds : HONMA Naoki

 A microwave sensing technique to detect the intrusion of the harmful animals and birds is investigated. The intruder affects the microwave propagation characteristics between the transmitting and receiving sensors. Especially, the Doppler effect is exploited to detect the animals because their activities, such as respiration cause the body movements. This is used not only for intrusion detection, but also for intruder localization. Moreover, the microwave can propagate behind obstructions, and this feature enhances the detectable range of the sensor system even when the number of the sensors is limited.


動物との共生社会を目指して : 出口善隆


Aiming for a symbiotic society with animals : Yoshitaka Deguchi

 Various problems are occurring between humans and animals, such as increased damage to crops by wild animals, raising animals without consideration for animal welfare, and the impact of intensive livestock farming on the health of livestock. The theme of my research is to solve problems that arise in the relationship between humans and animals based on the behavior of animals.
We are investigating the behavior of wild animals that live in human habitats (such as Japanese squirrels and badgers that live in urban forests). We also investigate the behavior of wild animals (wild boars, deer, serows, etc.) that cause crop damage. We study the effects of the breeding environment on zoo animals (reindeer, bears, etc.) and the behaviors that are difficult to study in the wild. We are also researching new labor-saving grazing management methods such as forest grazing for cattle. Through these surveys and research, we aim to build a society where both humans and animals can live better together.





体を守るリン脂質~抗酸化リン脂質プラスマローゲンの生理機能の解明 : 西向めぐみ


Phospholipids protect the body~Elucidation of the physiological functions of the antioxidant phospholipid plasmalogens : NISHIMUKAI Megumi

 Lipids are necessary for our bodies, although they often get a bad rap. Plasmalogens are a type of phospholipid incorporated into cell membranes and synthesized by the body, although we also get plasmalogens from foods like meat and seafood. Plasmalogens have a “vinyl-ether bond” in their molecules, and this structure has antioxidant properties and protects our bodies from oxidation. The amount of plasmalogens in the body is reduced in atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease, which are thought to be caused by oxidation. It is also known that aging also reduces plasmalogens. We are in search of the relationship between diseases and plasmalogens in the body and for food materials that can restore the decreased amount of plasmalogens in the body.








栄養や食品成分の健康機能性のメカニズムを探る : 伊藤芳明


The mechanisms of health functionality of nutrients and food components : ITO Yoshiaki

 In Japan, a rapidly aging society, non-communicable diseases that increase with lifestyle and aging, and the decline in physical activity due to muscle weakness are major health concerns. Since these health risks are highly related to diet, prevention and improvement through the use of dietary components can be an effective means of solving the problem. From this perspective, I am conducting research on the preventive and ameliorative effects of food and nutrients using experimental animals and cultured cells.
Diabetes mellitus is caused by insufficient insulin action, leading to chronically high blood sugar levels. One of the underlying factors is increased biological oxidative stress. Cruciferous vegetables such as wasabi, watercress, and broccoli contain compounds that enhance antioxidant capacity. It has been found that one of these compounds induces antioxidant activity in adipocytes developed insulin resistance by oxidative stress, leading to improved insulin action. Furthermore, the compound also showed ameliorative activity in diabetic animals. In addition, I have conducted research on the maintenance of skeletal muscle function through food and nutrient components. I hope that these basic research elucidating the health benefits of such food ingredients will lead to the development of high-functioning varieties in the future.


















微生物の力を活用した環境に優しい新技術づくり : 山田美和


Development of new eco-friendly technology using ability of microorganisms : YAMADA Miwa

 Amidst growing worldwide concern for global environmental conservation, the production of various materials through “white biotechnology” using microorganisms and biocatalysts is rapidly developing. In our research, starting with the search for microorganisms suitable for synthesizing the desired materials, we aim to tune them to efficiently produce the desired useful materials through the use of genetic recombination technology and the construction or modification of new metabolic routes in microbial cells. Furthermore, through functional modification of enzymes, we will further improve efficiency and develop new material production. Through these studies, it is possible to elucidate the synthesis mechanism. As targets for the production of useful materials, we are focusing on pharmaceuticals, chemical raw materials, and bioplastics. By using microorganisms to synthesize materials that have been synthesized by chemical synthesis methods, we aim to produce high-quality products that can be easily achieved only through bioprocesses. Another advantage of microbial synthesis is the possibility of directly utilizing biological resources and low-purity materials (e.g., waste) as raw materials. Therefore, we would like to contribute to the construction of technology that will brighten the future of the earth by building eco-friendly systems that make effective use of biomass and unused resources.











マルチスペクトルセンサーで空撮した波長画像群から実験水田を復元する研究 : 木村彰男


A study to 3D reconstruction of experimental rice fields from a set of wavelength images captured by a drone equipped with a multispectral sensor : KIMURA Akio

 We have been engaging in 3D reconstruction of the entire experimental rice field, based on images captured by a small drone equipped with a multispectral sensor. This reconstruction is intended to facilitate the prediction of various rice trait parameters, including rice yield. Other studies have also employed IT to reduce the need for manual labor, however, the conventional method, which uses normal RGB color images, has a limitation: it reconstructs a significant number of leaves and soil, which are irrelevant to trait prediction. This research addresses the aforementioned issue by focusing on wavelength images within a specific wavelength band and utilizing them as mask images for 3D reconstruction. Consequently, a strong correlation is observed between the red band image (approximately 680 nm) and the rice panicles in mid-September, just before the harvest period, and utilizing the red band wavelength image for 3D reconstruction demonstrated a correlation between the number of 3D reconstructed points and the manually measured trait parameters, including the number of ripening paddies.
As the research progresses, it will become possible to predict traits that affect yield. This will result in a reduction in the amount of labor required and an improvement in efficiency.













高分子科学と次世代の農業: 芝﨑祐二

 私たちのくらしを支える高分子化合物は容器包装、日用雑貨、衣料品、機械部品、土木建築材料、漁船、航空機部品などに幅広く利用されています。高分子化合物は10 nm程度の長い一次元鎖状化合物であり、それらが複雑に絡み合うことでプラスチック、繊維、塗料として使われています。一方、現代の最先端科学を使えば高分子鎖1本を巧みに配置して、高分子鎖数十本から数百本程度からなる高分子ナノ粒子を調製することも可能です。このような知見に基づき、私たちの研究グループでは新規高分子化合物の設計、合成、評価を進めており、農業、林業、水産業に適用可能な材料開発も行っています。プラスチックでありながら、環境にやさしく、形状を記憶でき、摩擦や衝撃による破壊も自己修復してしまう高分子スマート材料は非常に魅力的な研究対象です。このような高分子科学の研究で、農業、林業、水産業に貢献していきたいと考えています。

Contributing to agriculture through polymer science : Yuji Shibasaki

Polymer is a famous material that support our daily lives, and widely used in containers, packaging, daily necessities, clothing, mechanical parts, civil engineering/construction materials, fishing boats, aircraft parts, and so on. Polymer is a long 1D chain with a length of approximately 10 nm, and are used in plastics, fibers, and paints because they are intricately intertwined each other. On the other hands, using modern cutting-edge science, it is also possible to prepare polymer nanoparticles consisting of dozens to hundreds of polymer chains by skillfully arranging a single polymer chain. Based on this knowledge, our research group focuses on the design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel polymer compounds, and is also developing materials that can be applied to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Although they are plastics like conventional polyethylene, some of them are environmentally friendly, can remember their shape, and self-repair from damage caused by friction or impact. These polymer materials are extremely attractive as research subjects. We hope to contribute to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries through this polymer science research.

人間と野生動物の関係の再構築: 原科幸爾


Reconstructing the Relationship Between Humans and Wildlife : HARASHINA Koji

The relationship between humans and wildlife has undergone dramatic changes over time and across different environments. In Iwate Prefecture, the once-conserved Japanese deer have increased in number and expanded their distribution, causing damage to agriculture and forestry. Additionally, Asiatic black bears have started to appear in human settlements, leading to conflicts with humans.
To address these issues, research is being conducted primarily from a spatial perspective with the aim of achieving coexistence between humans and wildlife. On a broad scale, this involves elucidating the relationship between the geographic distribution and habitats of wildlife (such as the Japanese deer and Japanese squirrel) and predicting the expansion of their distribution (specifically for the Japanese deer). On a local scale, the research focuses on habitat utilization through tracking the behavior of urban-dwelling wildlife (such as the Japanese squirrel and masked palm civet). Furthermore, there is an emphasis on the potential of hunting activities and the use of game meat.
Through these studies, the aim is to reconstruct the relationship between humans and wildlife by devising strategies for spatial segregation, damage control, and resource utilization.










Estimation of the habitat range of Japanese deer in Iwate Prefecture






A masked palm civet equipped with a GPS collar


水産物の鮮度管理と高度加工利用技術の革新: 袁春紅


Precision Quality Management and Advanced Processing Utilization Technology Innovation in Marine Products : Chunhong YUAN

In Japan, fish sashimi is a common sight on dining tables, but it is not something that can be enjoyed in every country. This is made possible by Japan’s abundant marine resources and advanced fishing technologies. From the time the fish are caught until they reach the consumer, a considerable amount of time elapses. The ability to enjoy them with optimal freshness and flavor is due to sophisticated freshness management methods and advanced freezing and thawing technologies. For instance, scallops are at their best in the summer when their glycogen levels are high, and there is an optimal temperature to maintain this state. Oysters, which deteriorate quickly, can now maintain their freshness for a month through chilled storage, making it possible to export them overseas. The change in the composition of such seafood and the temperature suitable for storage should be analyzed for each type. In addition, in order to manage the freshness of marine products, it is necessary to establish freshness indicators and develop technologies to measure freshness.
On the other hand, it is also extremely important to develop seafood processing technologies that can provide high nutritional value without losing the functional components contained in seafood. Scientifically established freshness management and processing technologies make it possible to deliver limited marine resources to more consumers without waste. This contributes to stable food supply and solving food loss issues. Additionally, as we enter an era where people are expected to live to 100 years, there is increasing attention on health. Increasing the distribution of inherently nutritious seafood and developing new processed products with high health functionality also contribute to a long-lived society.










森林資源の効率的な活用と林業の持続的な発展に向けて: 齋藤仁志


Aiming for Efficient use of forest resources and sustainable development of forestry : SAITO Masashi

To effectively utilize forest resources, it is crucial not only to cultivate forests but also to carry out harvesting. Ensuring safety and economic efficiency is essential in this process. It is necessary to determine where and how to use large-scale forestry machinery to perform tasks efficiently. To achieve this, we are developing a technology that uses UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to collect three-dimensional information about forests and predict productivity. This model will help identify sites where efficient production can be achieved. Through this research, we aim to create an environment that allows the local foundational industry of forestry to be sustainable.









