発熱植物の温度制御に関わる研究 : 伊藤菊一
哺乳動物は環境温度の変化に応答した体温調節機能を有し、外気温が低下した場合にはその代謝を活性化させ、恒温性を維持している。一方、ある種の植物においても、発熱し体温を調節できることが知られているが、そのメカニズムは哺乳動物とは異なるものである。例えば、恒温性を有するザゼンソウにおける呼吸調節は負の活性化エネルギーに支配され、Zazen attractorと呼ばれるユニークなアルゴリズムにより統御されている。本研究においては、発熱植物を対象にBioenergeticsの観点からその温度制御に関する研究を推進する。本研究より、植物における温度センシングや熱産生に関わる分子メカニズムの理解が進展することが期待される。
Thermoregulation in heat-producing plants : ITO Kikukatsu
Physiological temperature regulation occurs in mammals when their level of metabolic heat-production increases as the environmental temperature decreases. However, the flowers of some plants show a similar degree of physiological thermoregulation, but by a different mechanism. The achievements of this study will lead to an understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in thermal sensing and heat-production in plants.
ALSVベクターによる野菜・花き・果樹の高速開花技術を利用したスマート育種 : 吉川信幸
Smart breeding of vegetables, flowers and fruit trees using high-speed flowering technique by ALSV vector : YOSHIKAWA Nobuyuki
Apple latent spherical virus (ALSV) is a harmless virus isolated from an apple tree in Morioka, Japan. We constructed a virus vector for expression and suppression of foreign genes in plants based on ALSV. ALSV vector can be infected with a wide range of plants, including fruit trees such as apple, pear, citrus and grape vines, cucurbits, legumes and Solanaceae plants, and flower plants such as Gentianaceae. The virus uniformly distributed throughout the plant and induced gene silencing in plants when ALSV vectors having the target gene was inoculated for functional analysis of target genes. Furthermore, using ALSV vector having florigen gene (FT), it is possible to shorten the flowering of apples and pear seedlings, which normally take 6 to 10 years, to 1 to 2months after germination. We are now working on smart breeding of new varieties of fruit trees, vegetables and flowers using high-speed flowering technique by ALSV vector.
低温ストレス抵抗性植物を生成すること : ラーマン アビドゥール
私の主な研究テーマの一つは、細胞内のホルモンの恒常性を調節することによって低温ストレス抵抗性植物を生成することである。 以前、我々は、オーキシンがシロイヌナズナにおける温度ストレス応答の重要な調節因子として機能することを示した(Shibasaki et al., 2009, Plant Cell; Rahman 2013, Hanzawa et al., 2013 Plant Cell)。 最近、私の研究グループは、低温ストレス応答のマスターレギュレーターとしてGNOM(ARF-GEFクラスタンパク質)を同定した。 さらに、GTPase活性を含み、オーキシン流出タンパク質の細胞内タンパク質輸送に関与するGNOMのSEC7ドメインが、シロイヌナズナにおける低温ストレス応答を調節する主要な成分として機能することを明らかにした (Ashraf and Rahman, 2018, Plant Journal; Ashraf and Rahman 2018, in Cold Tolerance In Plant)。
アグリイノベーションセンターの本プロジェクトは基礎研究と現場での応用研究をつなぐことを目指している。 低温ストレス応答の中心的調節因子として同定されたGNOMは植物種の間で広く保存されている。現在のプロジェクトでは、低温ストレス時にGNOMによって輸送されるタンパク質を同定し、トマトの低温ストレス反応におけるGNOMの役割を調べたいと考えている。低温ストレスに耐えることができる新しいトマトの系統を生み出すことを期待している。
Developing crops resistant to low temperature stress : RAHMAN Abidur
One of my major research focuses is to develop cold temperature stress resistant plants through modulating intracellular hormonal homeostasis. Earlier, we have shown that auxin functions as an important regulator for temperature stress responses in Arabidopsis (Shibasaki et al., 2009, Plant Cell; Hanzawa et al., 2013 Plant Cell). Recently, we identified GNOM, an ARF-GEF as a master regulator of cold stress response. We also further clarified that the SEC7 domain of this protein, which contains GTPase activity and participates in protein trafficking including the trafficking of auxin efflux carriers, functions as the major component to regulate the cold stress response in Arabidopsis plant (Ashraf and Rahman., 2018, Plant Journal,; Ashraf and Rahman 2018, in Cold Tolerance in Plant). By manipulating this single gene, we could produce cold temperature resistant Arabidopsis.
This project with Agri-Innovation Center is aiming at bridging the basic research to applied research in field. GNOM, which we recently identified as a central regulator of cold temperature stress response, is widely conserved among plant species. In the current project, we would like to identify the proteins that are trafficked by GNOM during cold stress and also investigate the roles of GNOM in tomato in relation to cold stress. Through this research, we expect to generate new tomato lines which will be able to withstand cold stress.
マイクロ波を用いた果実の品質評価に関する研究 : 三浦健司
Quality evaluation of fruit using electromagnetic wave at microwave band : MIURA Kenji
When an electromagnetic wave enters a substance, the amount of reflection on it, the amount of transmission into it, and the amount of absorption in it are determined by the balance between its complex permittivity and the complex permeability. Particularly for water, it is known that the complex permittivity of the microwave band is differentiated by moisture content and its solutes such as sugar. In this project, we are conducting research on fruit quality assessment via dielectric sensing at microwave band using its characteristics. This result enables automation of collection of fruit growing situation and judgment of appropriate harvest season, which is expected to contribute to the realization of super-labor-saving and high productivity smart agriculture.
マイクロ波を用いた有害鳥獣等のセンシング : 本間尚樹
Microwave sensing for harmful animals and birds : HONMA Naoki
A microwave sensing technique to detect the intrusion of the harmful animals and birds is investigated. The intruder affects the microwave propagation characteristics between the transmitting and receiving sensors. Especially, the Doppler effect is exploited to detect the animals because their activities, such as respiration cause the body movements. This is used not only for intrusion detection, but also for intruder localization. Moreover, the microwave can propagate behind obstructions, and this feature enhances the detectable range of the sensor system even when the number of the sensors is limited.